Video Edit Magic: Configuring QuickTime Properties

Step II: Configuring QuickTime Properties

To Make Movie in QuickTime format, the recommended or full installation of QuickTime is required. QuickTime's online or standalone installaer can be obtained from

Video Dimension

Select the height and and the width of the video. The movie will be made in the dimensions you select.

Video Compressor

Select the video compressor from the ones available. The size and the quality of the QuickTime movie depends largely on the Video Compressor.


Select the Quality of the video. The size of the QuickTime movie increases with higher quality.

Frame Rate

The Frame Rate of the video is the number of frames the movie will display per second. High motion videos require high frame rates. The size of the video also increases with high frame rates. If you are not sure about the frame rate then select a frame rate equal to the highest frame rate from the input videos on the timeline. High motion videos typically require frame rates between 25 - 30 frames/second (FPS). You can make movies up to 60 frames/second.

Audio Compressor

Select the audio compressor used to compress the audio in the movie. A better compressor will generally produce high quality audio and keep the size minimium.

Audio Frequency

Audio Frequency is the number of audio samples to be player per second. Higher frequency values gives better sound quality but also increases the size of the audio. Select better qualities for music and lower qualities for speech.

Audio Bit Size

Audio Bit Size is the size of one sample of audio. Select the bit size depending on the audio quality you want.

Audio Type

Select the number of channels of audio (stereo or mono).

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